September 2, 2020

How Has COVID-19 Affected the Truck Driving Industry?

Want to become a trucker and need a driving instructor in Toronto? The current scenario with the pandemic raging wild across the globe would have made […]
July 29, 2019

Things You Didn’t Know About the Trucking Industry in Canada

Professional truck drivers are extremely sought after in Canada. However, like every other profession, there are a lot of things that the general public is unaware […]
February 23, 2015

Tips for Passing the Final Test After Truck Driving Classes

To become a professional truck driver, you need to enroll in a driving school and attend all truck driving classes. More importantly, you need to pass all the tests to be issued with various accreditation documents such as license. Though truck driving is a lucrative and attractive career, not every driver can drive a truck professionally. Enrolling in the driving school is the first step to becoming a long-haul trucker.